Friday, November 9, 2012

Fridays Scissors and Cream ( Best pie crust EVER, Apple Cider Caramel Cookies Oven Glass Cleaning and Rainbow Turkey)

Now that Halloween is over its time for pie season!!! Wa-hoo!

For those who are new to our blog I have taken on the challenge to broaden my domestic goddess talents. I will be posting "first attempts" to crafts and recipes each week for your entertainment success or total failure! I call these my Friday's scissor and cream posts.

This is seriously the most perfect pie crust I have ever tasted!  It is perfectly salty and sweet at the same time.  I am set on only using this one for the upcoming holidays.  This one was too good not to share!

Apple Cider Carmel Cookies

HERE is a recipe that should be tucked away for the holidays.  Its definitely not sugar free but worth every calorie in my opinion! 

Alternative cleaning for Oven Glass

Here are my before and after pics from a technique I found on Pintrest.  It didn't work very well for us but maybe we did it wrong :(  Please let me know if you know how to REALLY clean your oven!

1 comment:

Sarah Dana said...

Wait--so what's the recipe for the pie crust?