This may be a little late to be posting official announcement stories since I am already about 30 weeks but I figure better late then never!
I know that there are literally 22 of you that are due around the same time as me. It will be fun to see everyone going though the same obstacles of the rest of our pregnancies.
When we found out this huge miracle after dealing with infertility tests and issues for over 2 years I went into freak out mode. (I know many people have to wait even longer but any amount of time I have found has its disappointments) I began remembering all of the things we would still need to get done in the next few weeks before I start showing. Some of the things on the list was:
*Take our first professional pictures together (ever since D was born I have been "losing weight" and unfit for photography) I guess now we better get it done before things go down hill :0
*I have made a point to thoroughly enjoy laying on my stomach each day and fitting in normal button jeans.
* Figuring out sleeping arrangements in our tiny roomed house! Danagan has been sleeping in a toddler bed but will be going to a twin sized bed in his own room before the baby arrives. This means massive reorganization of the whole house to fit what toys we want to keep because we won't have a play room anymore.
*Be REALLY organized this year and have Danagan's March birthday party totally planned and Christmas shopped for!
*Organize and place all of Danagans photos in albums (what a job for a family that does photography!)
*Remodeling the whole front yard and bathroom
*Install 18 recessed lights with dimmer switches
*Replace all inside doors
*Paint the nursery since it is currently blue and its a GIRL!
*Building Wishing Well to cover up our awesome septic toadstools in the back yard
*Build kids craft desk
*Rip up and Redo Patio Deck
Unfortunately, I was NOT expecting to be as sick as I have been. It has really put a hold on callings, crafting, gardening and basic house hold tidiness. :( I would rather it be actual morning sickness at a designated time each day instead it is all day until after we wake up from nap and its just nauseousness The other irritating this is my sensitivity to textures and smells. I didn't have that with Danagan either. On a really nauseous day I decided that raspberries were health and probably safe. OH NO, the seedy texture just about killed me. Cereal, lime popsicles and carnation instant breakfast is what this little baby is going to be made out of! Its crazy to have 2 babies be SO different. I didn't find out until I was 10 weeks pregnant with Danagan because I was feeling so great. I am finally starting to feel a little better each day and excited to have Daniel graduated from school and settled into his new job. We have so many projects we have to get done before I get to be my small planet size this fall.
We went with the fortune cookie reveal at my birthday party in June to announce this pregnancy. Did you know its super easy to fill fortune cookies? Here is a video of the microwaving and cooling process.
We did a family gender reveal party involving cutting a cake together to see which color frosting would tell us which gender we were having. Here is the picture story...
Happy Birthday to me! Since we knew we needed to incorporate fortune cookies in the family dinner theme we went with a Chinese food dinner to not give away anything. During dinner we slyly put the cookies in the middle of the table to see who would open one first. My grandma that happened to be visiting opened the first one. It couldn't have worked more smoothly!
Fortune Cookie Announcement!! Surprise!
Another amazing cake made by my sister in law Rachel
Gender Cake Cutting Party
Guessing chart, games and skyping family for the cutting event
Thanks to Cody we played some gender revealing games people use to do in the old days of no ultrasounds. Both results were GIRL. This girl couldn't be more girly I guess if the old silly games work as well!
We got the skype set up for my bro in law Jeremy and my sisters Becca and Sarah to watch
I know that there are literally 22 of you that are due around the same time as me. It will be fun to see everyone going though the same obstacles of the rest of our pregnancies.
When we found out this huge miracle after dealing with infertility tests and issues for over 2 years I went into freak out mode. (I know many people have to wait even longer but any amount of time I have found has its disappointments) I began remembering all of the things we would still need to get done in the next few weeks before I start showing. Some of the things on the list was:
*Take our first professional pictures together (ever since D was born I have been "losing weight" and unfit for photography) I guess now we better get it done before things go down hill :0
*I have made a point to thoroughly enjoy laying on my stomach each day and fitting in normal button jeans.
* Figuring out sleeping arrangements in our tiny roomed house! Danagan has been sleeping in a toddler bed but will be going to a twin sized bed in his own room before the baby arrives. This means massive reorganization of the whole house to fit what toys we want to keep because we won't have a play room anymore.
*Be REALLY organized this year and have Danagan's March birthday party totally planned and Christmas shopped for!
*Organize and place all of Danagans photos in albums (what a job for a family that does photography!)
*Remodeling the whole front yard and bathroom
*Install 18 recessed lights with dimmer switches
*Replace all inside doors
*Paint the nursery since it is currently blue and its a GIRL!
*Building Wishing Well to cover up our awesome septic toadstools in the back yard
*Build kids craft desk
*Rip up and Redo Patio Deck
Unfortunately, I was NOT expecting to be as sick as I have been. It has really put a hold on callings, crafting, gardening and basic house hold tidiness. :( I would rather it be actual morning sickness at a designated time each day instead it is all day until after we wake up from nap and its just nauseousness The other irritating this is my sensitivity to textures and smells. I didn't have that with Danagan either. On a really nauseous day I decided that raspberries were health and probably safe. OH NO, the seedy texture just about killed me. Cereal, lime popsicles and carnation instant breakfast is what this little baby is going to be made out of! Its crazy to have 2 babies be SO different. I didn't find out until I was 10 weeks pregnant with Danagan because I was feeling so great. I am finally starting to feel a little better each day and excited to have Daniel graduated from school and settled into his new job. We have so many projects we have to get done before I get to be my small planet size this fall.
We went with the fortune cookie reveal at my birthday party in June to announce this pregnancy. Did you know its super easy to fill fortune cookies? Here is a video of the microwaving and cooling process.
We did a family gender reveal party involving cutting a cake together to see which color frosting would tell us which gender we were having. Here is the picture story...
Happy Birthday to me! Since we knew we needed to incorporate fortune cookies in the family dinner theme we went with a Chinese food dinner to not give away anything. During dinner we slyly put the cookies in the middle of the table to see who would open one first. My grandma that happened to be visiting opened the first one. It couldn't have worked more smoothly!
Fortune Cookie Announcement!! Surprise!
Another amazing cake made by my sister in law Rachel
Gender Cake Cutting Party
Guessing chart, games and skyping family for the cutting event
Thanks to Cody we played some gender revealing games people use to do in the old days of no ultrasounds. Both results were GIRL. This girl couldn't be more girly I guess if the old silly games work as well!
We got the skype set up for my bro in law Jeremy and my sisters Becca and Sarah to watch
Showing the results...Its pink for a GIRL!!!
Congrats guys!
We did a fortune cookie announcement for Max. I actually had the Tsue Chong company make custom fortunes and individually wrapped them. Our parents had no idea. I also printed the announcement mirrored so it would look like a different language. After a little bit of work they figured it out.
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