Friday, April 13, 2012

Fridays Scissors and Cream (Matching Easter Outfits, Fancy Bow Ties and Flan Cake)

For those who are new to our blog I have taken on the challenge to broaden my domestic goddess talents. I will be posting "first attempts" to crafts and recipes each week for your entertainment success or total failure! I call these my Friday's scissor and cream posts.

HERE is the tutorial I followed to make Danagan and his cousin Nathan matching satin bowties to match their tuxes for the wedding. I followed the directions for the inner smaller version shown on the tutorial. Since I did it late one night the same week of the wedding I skipped the latch in the back and just strung a satin ribbon to tie around their neck. (probably not the smartest mommy thing to do but they both survived without noosing themselves) Unfortunately, I don't think we ever got a pic with them both together up close so, here are two pictures that will have to do!

Matching Easter Fun
Since I learned how easy it was to make Bow ties I kinda went crazy when we came home from my sisters wedding. :) I made these bow ties and matching headband for me. SO Fun! Now I just need to find some suspenders Danagan will keep on! Sorry this wasn't posted before Easter but hopefully you can try your own summer tie!

HERE is the skirt I was trying to copy minus the pocket and zipper. I free handed it all because sadly that is the only way I learn. HA. I think its more of a adventure game this way because I have to fix/problem solve as I sew. It was much more difficult then I thought it would be to find a decent pattern I could use for a boy bow tie and also a girly skirt. I wish their were more fabric stores with a good selection of prints AND coupons!

Flan Cake
I discovered this Ah-Mazing cake when my friend Kirsten brought it to our monthly recipe swap. I am not a huge cake fan but this seriously would have been my chosen birthday cake for the last 28 years if I would have known about it! The recipe is super simple but the chilling it before fliping it AND cooking it for the right amount of time is crucial. I couldn't get the bake time right the first time and I think I flipped it out of the pan way too early. The second time around I cooked it for 57 min AND put the pan in a ice bath THEN transferred it to the fridge for 2 hours. We had to knife the edge a little bit before flipping it but it at least turned out! SO excited! The other cool thing about this cake is that the flan batter goes in last and switches places with the cake batter making it on the top in the end. How fun- we are learning science at the same time as eating yummy food! Another part of the first flailed attempt was that Danagan decided to wing the spatula full of batter into his hair and all over the kitchen. Thank goodness for Mr Bubbles and our dining room chair covers that is all I have to say!

Attempt #1

Attempt #2

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