For those who are new to our blog I have taken on the challenge to broaden my domestic goddess talents. I will be posting "first attempts" to crafts and recipes each week for your entertainment success or total failure! I call these my Friday's scissor and cream posts. Enjoy...
Here is an example of my devotion to my Scissors and Cream posts. We are having MAJOR internet problems in our house which have left us unable to tap into ANY type virtual resources. :( So, I am sitting in my car at Micky D's with my child as I blog for a quick second on their WIFI. (Its ok judge all you want...) I hope you enjoy this post even more then the rest. lol. This weeks learning curve adventures where scrabble tile pendents and yummy homemade fruit roll ups.
The pendents were so easy yet make you look really crafty! YES! I made all of mine down below from out of date calendar thumbnails. After making them I thought that they would be pretty cool magnents as well. So, I made a special London set for us (really for Daniel). I also made some long vertical ones from gluing two tiles together. Those were my favorites and I wear them all the time. Try it yourself HERE.
I found this idea out from my ultimate favorite blog "Our Best Bites". It is a little late for first day of school snacks but, I will be prepared when Danagan final reaches that age. It was super easy! I used a mix of 3 necterines, 3 peaches, 3 tb of lemon juice and 2 tb honey. Lemon Juice really didn't help it from turing brown but I tried! I blended it up and then let it dry in the oven for 7 1/2 hrs at 170 degrees.
I find joy in making things for from raw and KNOWN ingredients for my little guy. I will definitely be making a massive batch and freezing them as a staple snack in this house.
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