Monday, October 3, 2011

Danagan is 18 Months (September 5th)

I can't believe our baby is 11/2 years old! Where does the time go? Here are just a few portraits from our session we did for Danagan. He is only saying a few words so far such as; bubble machine, binkie, eggs, please, cheese, kisses, eyes, ears etc. He loves singing, giggling and playing chase. His favorite foods are edaname and eggs and homemade popsicle.

* Popsicles have seriously been a life saver for nutrition around here. Its totally disgusting but he loves the concoctions I make. A normal mixture would be; 1/4 c applesauce. 1/4 c greek yogurt, 1/4 c green pea puree, cooked oatmeal and 1 TB wheat germ. lol. He eats about 3-4 of these a day!

Here is his doctor appointment stats. He is still our tall and skinny little man

Height: 33 inches
Weight: 25lbs
Nap: Only one from 11-1pm
24oz of milk a day (yay no bottle to get his binkies out of his death grip)

"I'm SO big!"

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