Friday, January 4, 2013

Fridays scissors and cream (Cashew Chicken, Lime Souffle DIY Fabric Road)

For those who are new to our blog I have taken on the challenge to broaden my domestic goddess talents. I will be posting "first attempts" to crafts and recipes each week for your entertainment success or total failure! I call these my Friday's scissor and cream posts.

Crock Pot Cashew Chicken

This is one of our favorite crock pot recipe.  SO EASY and taste like restaurant style cashew chicken!  HERE is the recipe we follow.  

When I realized I was looking at a recipe using a water bath like creme brulee I almost threw in the towel early!  Please don't let that intimate you!  Its super easy and not very temperamental like most water bath recipes.  THIS is another recipe that will look like you SLAVED for hours but in fact you whipped it up in 5 minutes  It does cook for a long time but other then that it is easy peesy!



DIY Fabric Road

So, with my last pregnancy I splurged and bought really expensive nice maternity jeans thinking it would be worth the investment if I could use them with multiple pregnancies. HA! I only worse them a couple times with this second pregnancy and they ripped in the butt! I was so mad! I decided to get even futher use of them and make a quiet activity with them. THIS has been a life saver for rainy days when I need Danagan to be quiet while the baby is sleeping. SO FUN and really easy to make!

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